African Women of Empowerment published “Woman Awaken To Yourself”
Published on the Mukora Primary blog
“Magnificent Woman,” presented at a Women Circles, conference in the Czech Republic in June 2006.
Girl Child was published on Femnet in 2012.
This is an organization representing ,African Women’s Development and Communication Network. Joana Ukali: Girl Child – Poem | FEMNET
The Dr. Pat Show: Dr. Pat Baccili
Woman of Worth was read on the Pat Baccili Radio Show.
Woman of Worth was used in Girl Guides of British Columbia Trainers Talk newsletter.
Published in Asia, 2010:
Asian Human Rights and Culture, Volumes 32 and 45 published, In Honor of Women and Woman.
Published In Honor of Women
Notebook Project published Woman
Poetry – The Notebook Project
WWSF Women’s World Summit Foundation
We received your poem: You Have Given Life To Others
And enjoyed reading it. We wonder, with your permission, whether We can print it giving you credit, with our Programs for rural women we convene For the past 15 years.
We would translate the poem into French and Spanish and Include it in some of our program descriptions, if you give permission to do so.
Wishing you a good holiday season and looking forward to your
Elly Pradervand
WWSF Executive Director
WWSF Women’s World Summit Foundation
My poems have been translated from English into French, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin and Urdu.
The different poems have been used for ordinations, funerals, celebrations, retirements, weddings births and birthdays.